Magnets for Sale
Only $10!
Payment options:
Payment can be made through PayPal using the "Donate" button below. Enter a payment of $10 and add in note that it is for a magnet.
Remember you don't have to have a PayPal account, you can use your favorite credit card.
Sunshine Airedalers T-Shirts
Order your T-shirt through PayPal using the button above and be sure to add T-shirt and size needed in the note area. Remember you don't have to have a PayPal account, you can use your favorite credit card.. $18.00 each plus shipping.
Chainsaw Airedale
These wonderful Airedale Terrier folk art carvings are created with a chainsaw from ponderosa pine and are individually hand painted and carved. The carvings are made from trees that have died from old age and other natural causes. Size is approximately 8x10x2.5 inches and each one comes with a brass heart shaped tag and red bandana neckerchief. We have a few of the Standing Dales still available.
Every Airedale owner should have at least one. All proceeds go to rescue.
Chainsaw Airedale - $55.00 each, including Shipping and Handling Please email Linda O'Connell.
Include Name, Address and QTY
All checks should be made payable to Sunshine Airedalers of Florida and mailed to:
Jean Alli, Treasurer 401 Althea Rd. Belleair, Fl 33756Or purchase using this PayPal link:
Sunshine Airedalers Calendar 
The price for each calendar is ONLY $20, including postage. Limited quantities available. These make great holiday gifts for family, your vet, or your groomer!
Sunshine Airedalers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law.