Event Calendar


SAF Grooming Event and Potluck Get-together in Altamonte Springs

Saturday, February 8, 2025!
Hey! We’re having a party!
Who doesn’t love a good Airedale gathering? Sunshine Airedalers of Florida is hosting a party and potluck lunch! Bring your ADT and your favorite party dish to share…a pooch and a plate, as they say (maybe somewhere they say that).
As if frolicking Airedales and picnic food wasn’t enough, there will also be a dog grooming demo by Karen Gunter, dog groomer extraordinaire! Anyone who’s tried to groom a dale knows this is no easy task, but Karen and her team make it look like a walk in the park. So, here’s a chance for all of us to learn a few tricks from the pros!

There will be some fun raffle items, AND one lucky person will win a raffle to have their dog groomed that day! Here’s the small print on that: If your name is drawn, be sure you’re ready to go, as it’s happening at the party — that same day. So have your dog washed and brushed for grooming in case you win!

We greatly appreciate your donations. All funds raised go directly to Sunshine Airedalers, whose sole mission is to find perfect forever homes for Airedales in need.

We are so excited to see you and your dale there.

Please RSVP to Pam Baker tbpb73@yahoo.com. She’s waiting to hear from you!



Visit The Terrier Life Assistance Group FaceBook Page to support Terriers In Need

Have photos to share for calendar, newsletter or website???

Send photos to Linda@AiredaleRescueFlorida.org

Look For Us:

Be sure to check our new updated website for our latest club news and stories. And don’t forget to check out our Facebook page! Now you too can post to our page and it shows up in the Community Feed. It’s a great place to share photos and your "Airedale Antics". Facebook users search for Sunshine-Airedalers-of-Florida and please take time to “like” and/or “follow” us. We would love to see fun and interesting photos of SAF member dogs, helpful hints, questions to other Airedale owners without personal identifying information of your location to protect the adopter and adoptee.